c l i f f   b a r n e s d i a r y s o n g s n e w s d a t e s c o n t a c t
e q u i p m e n t s t u f f p r e s s g u e s t l i n k s o r d e r

- Malta/Day 8 -

English breakfast in studio. Scrambled eggs, baked beans and bread. Coffee.

"Love you to" got a second vocal part from Tom but we only kept one line and a piano part from Marcus was killed completely. And then we mixed. The girls are looking for new apartments for us for the time after the studio, before we fly home. They've had some success, before they realize that we are in the studio until Tuesday instead of Monday. It's our fault of course, because we didn't tell them, I mean it's only been clear since April when we booked the studio......! Tom beat Deko at pool and then Bob came and beat Tom 2-0!

Second problem song "I don't believe it will", a mixture of "La Bamba" and something "Britpop". Not typical for the record, but commercial. Tom played his second piano of the record(!).

The usual swimming break and early studio closing to take in a trip to "Torture Ville" (David Vella) are the visible effect of the fact that we already have most of the songs finished. Before we went, Bob sang "Baby's not in love" again in a low intimate voice and Tom didn't play a piano! This is one of the drummerless songs, it sounds very direct and warm. "Torture Ville" is a tourist district full of clubs, pubs, discos. Tom was "double airbag spotting" but was one of these typical English tourists, looking with eyes bigger than pizzas but not enough balls (pun intended!) to try anything!

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