c l i f f   b a r n e s d i a r y s o n g s n e w s d a t e s c o n t a c t
e q u i p m e n t s t u f f p r e s s g u e s t l i n k s o r d e r

- Malta/Day 7 -

"Family Song" made it onto the DAT. Next up was "Jimmy, Jimmy Jump" which was finished before we almost started. Tom, Deko and Marcus sang the harmony vocals and that was it.

Deko had a short success story, beating Bob at pool, but it only lasted for five minutes before Tom beat him three times in a row!

Orchard is up next - our "atmo" song. We dropped the drums out at the start and brought them back for the outro. Tom played a piano part at the end, Bob sang harmony with himself and the whole thing sounds weird. Real late night music - riding down the rain soaked boulevard in search of the lost chord!

After the swimming break it was the first problem song "Love You To". Never quite managed to figure out how the song should sound, but here in the mix it has developed a lot of power. Tom sang, Deko sang, Marc played a new guitar in a rock style, some feedback out of Marcus Powerbook and the whole thing sounded a lot better. We left it to get better in the studio while we went home to sleep.

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