c l i f f   b a r n e s d i a r y s o n g s n e w s d a t e s c o n t a c t
e q u i p m e n t s t u f f p r e s s g u e s t l i n k s o r d e r

- Basics /Day 1 -

10/03/2001 from 12:00 till 23:00
Location: Fear Factory
Weather: Rainy, around 10°C
Band: Bob, Marc, Moses, Tom, Sven is missing, but will be here tomorrow. And Sebastian as engineer.
Ingredients: Coffee, Cookies, Butter cake with pudding, cigarettes, a dry bread roll (but only Tom!), three Fernet Brancas, some beer
Washing up: Tom (He's new in the band and trying to make an impression!)

The band is recording in the same room, in a magic circle, there's some leakage but not enough to get worried about. The bass is going directly into the mixer. Rough vocals for orientation are on as well. Started on "COLD OUTSIDE" around 13:00, after settings levels. Tom was playing the song for the first time. It took around three hours to get a good rhythm track down on tape. Bob played his Telecaster, Marc a Strat, Tom a Precision. Moses added a tambourine.

Second song for today is "ORANGE JUICE". Changed the bass drum back to the big one. After about four takes we got a good groove going and Moses did the drum track again. Tom's bass is also crap and will be rerecorded later when he's gone home! Marc played his Gibson ES-335, Tom the Precision, Bob just sang.

It's getting time for dinner. So what's it gonna be tonight? Kebab? Noodles? Arabic? Or just plain old pizza? Pizza wins and we picked a place where the soccer reports are being shown. After food we started on "I WANT EVERYTHING" and it worked surprisingly well. We did two versions and will choose later which is the best. Marc played his Gibson ES-335, Tom the Precision, Bob the Tele.

As the evening got later we recorded "NEWS TONITE" in a very relaxed atmosphere, it has that "HARVEST MOON" character to it. Tom has made a lot of difference to the songs and things are looking good for the rest of the week. Marc played his Gibson ES-335, Tom the Precision, Bob the Tele.

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