c l i f f   b a r n e s d i a r y s o n g s n e w s d a t e s c o n t a c t
e q u i p m e n t s t u f f p r e s s g u e s t l i n k s o r d e r

- Malta/Day 4 -

We filled the jeep with gas and bought some bread for breakfast in the studio. It's pointless to say that the weather is great, because it's always great, but there's a nice breeze today. Mistra Bay is very quiet because it's Monday, so we are almost alone here. The view from the control room is towards a barren hill that looks like it could have been the setting for Monty Python's "Life of Brian". Breakfast was bread, cheese, tomatoes, onions and paprika, some coffee and jam.

The mix of "News Tonite" sounds great, Marcus did a little fine tuning and that was it. 14:00 and we had the second song done. Again we did alternative "vocal up" mixes and instrumental mixes. Next song up is "I want everything" which was one of the reasons for this record to be made. I wrote this song after falling in love and it has all the uncertainty in it, but still trying to be positive and shooting at the moon!

It took a little longer to get this track done, although Marcus had a great feel for it right from the start. Dan and I went for a swim while Marc was slaving over a hot mixing desk and when we took a break Marc and I went for a run around the bay and up on to the peak where you have a view of the island where St. Paul landed in Malta. After the run we had spaghetti with garlic, onion and chili, home cooked this time but without the bottles of wine!!!!

Now the mix is finished, we've done our "vocal up", "vocal down" and instrumental versions and we've just had a visit from Christina who plays with the Beangrowers, Malta's most successful alternative band. They have a record out on Zomba in Germany and have played with Philip Boa, which is where Moses and Marcus met them.

Started work on the next song, which is "Tried", but before we got to far, the rest of the band and family arrived. They had flown from Frankfurt tonight. Marcus wife Annette with the kids Finn and Lennard, Deko or Moses as he's also known, Tom, Sven and Jacqui. We played them the tracks that we had finished and no one puked, so it's gonna be fine. Marcus and his family returned to their apartment, the rest of us went out for a beer with David in Bugghida. And that was it for day 4 in Malta.

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