- Basics /Day 6 -
15/03/2001 from 15:00 till 01:00
Location: Fear Factory
Weather: cold but no rain, around 8°C
Band: Bob, Marc, Tom, Sven. And Sebastian as engineer.
And Jacqui as photographer.
Ingredients: Coffee, cigarettes, chocolate cookies.
Washing up: Bob (evidence picture was taken)
Tom repaired the bass tracks, which means he played everything
again! Nah, just a couple of things really. Then we started on
Boogies guitars, first song was "COLD OUTSIDE" with a wailing
solo, Lowell George would have died for. (Hey, he's already dead!)
Oh yeah, sorry.
We had been wondering why the coffee in the Fear Factory tastes
funny. That's funny peculiar and not funny ha-ha. But it seems
somebody boiled their bass strings in the coffee machine to get
longer life out of them…..
Jacqui is now asleep on the couch firmly holding her digital camera
so that nobody can take her picture, but she doesn't know I have
a digital camera and have taken hundreds of photos of her and
put them on the web site! (Comment by jacQui: "The Revenge will
be mine. MAKE MY DAY !!!") Sven played lot's of great guitars,
and we had a cool meal at the Italian restaurant Vesuvio.
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