c l i f f   b a r n e s d i a r y s o n g s n e w s d a t e s c o n t a c t
e q u i p m e n t s t u f f p r e s s g u e s t l i n k s o r d e r

- Basics /Day 7 -

16/03/2001 from 15:00 till 24:00
Location: Fear Factory
Weather: cloudy, around 8°C
Band: Bob, Marc, Tom. And Sebastian as engineer. Ingredients: Coffee, cigarettes, Turkish food.
Washing up: Seb

Big news today - Marcus played a guitar on SALLY AND JOHNNY through Bob's POD. His comment was "Hey it sounds pretty good!". Bob sang SALLY AND JOHNNY, I WON'T LOVE YOU TOO and FAMILY SONG, Tom came and went again after eating with us. Came back after picking his dad up at the pub. We watched a bit of the Band video "Making of Big Pink", what singers those guys were! Bob sang COLD OUTSIDE and now as I write Marc and Tom are trying to do backing vocals.

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