c l i f f   b a r n e s d i a r y s o n g s n e w s d a t e s c o n t a c t
e q u i p m e n t s t u f f p r e s s g u e s t l i n k s o r d e r

- Malta/Day 10 -

"Jerk like me" was almost finished and then Bob decided he could do a better vocal, Marcus rolled his eyes and said something like "Why didn't you say this yesterday?" but he pushed the record button and away we went. The whole thing was worth it though, the vocal is better and fits in to the new "gospel" sound of the track. It's funny how songs develop during the recording of an album, "Jerk like me" is a great example of a good idea, that gets turned into a good song when the whole band tries to interpret what the songwriter is trying to say.

That only left one song to mix "Sally and Johnny", but before we did that we burned a CD of the other songs and listened to them in David's office on a cheap stereo system. This was the ultimate test, would it stand up to a crap system? We were pretty satisfied at the end, although we decided that two songs were in need of a little adjustment. "Cold outside", the first song, lacked a little power that was evident on the other songs, maybe because it was the first song we mixed and our ears were not used to the studio set-up. "Family song", we thought that the solo was too quiet on the system, it sounded good in the control room, but when you got it out on the normal stereo system it sounded a little indecisive. We're gonna do them again tomorrow.

We had a beach break and then started "Sally and Johnny" before going to dinner. It was Tom and Deko's last night in Malta and Tom wanted to take us to a place he remembers going to when he was recording the famous Instant Karma "lost album". The restaurant should have been owned by a Scotswomen with a hunchback, but we never found it, so we ended up eating Pasta for about 5 Maltese Pounds (!) which is expensive in any currency. Tom owes each of us at least two keyboard credits for this debacle.

Back to the studio and Marcus worked on "Sally and Johnny". Deko and Bob discussed the rights and wrongs of this song "Too country, not enough country, can't hear the lyrics etc." while Marcus tried to make something of the mix. Then Deko and Bob started drinking wine and the mix was sounding better all the time! We left it to ferment and went home to a warm bed and hot dreams.

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