- Basics /Day 4 -
13/03/2001 from 15:00 till 24:00
Location: Fear Factory
Weather: rain, rain and more rain, around 8°C
Band: Bob, Marc, Moses, Tom, Sven. And Sebastian as engineer.
Ingredients: Coffee, cigarettes.
Washing up: Bob (Yes, wonders do happen!)
Bob and Marc alone at first. We recorded "BABY'S NOT IN LOVE"
with just an acoustic guitar (Marc - Guild) and Voice. Marc played
a great acoustic on "CATASTROPHE" and now Sven is trying to outdo
him on lead guitar. As Moses came we played "I DON'T BELIEVE IT
WILL" it went well, because we were hungry I think. And it was
off to an Arabic snack bar for dinner. After that we did one of
the most difficult songs "A JERK LIKE ME" where Bob tells the
story of a jerk that marries someone for her money. It's a strange
song with a almost jazz rock (!) verse and a real macho chorus.
The whole thing is of course tongue in cheek, but don't tell anybody,
it'll only ruin our image! Evil!
We tried "ORCHARD" as well, and found a way to play it, but we
will probably do it again later. Moses left early and the rest
of us played "BABY'S NOT IN LOVE" in a cool, laid back version,
Marc on acoustic guitar, Sven on dobro, Tom on bass and Bob on
guitar and vocals. I hope it's really as good tomorrow as it sounds
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