c l i f f   b a r n e s d i a r y s o n g s n e w s d a t e s c o n t a c t
e q u i p m e n t s t u f f p r e s s g u e s t l i n k s o r d e r

- Basics /Day 12 -

Location: Fear Factory
Weather: sunshine, around 25°C but a storm is brewing
Band: Marc, Bob, Deko
Ingredients: Beer, Coffee, Coca Cola, Pizza
Washing up: Bob

Did some overdubs - Marc, Bob and Moses trying to sound like the Beach Boys on "Good Vibrations" for the song "Catastrophe". We did some more high vocals or Moses did, but the highlight was Julia Chard who did a "Ricky Lee Jones"(!) on NEWS TONIGHT and FAMILY SONG. She sang like an angel, and even waited for us to finish our pizza to give I WANT EVERYTHING the female touch. You know it's important for me, because I write a lot of songs about women, to have that female side of the song and Julia captured that beautifully.

It was a hot day but as we recorded her, a big rainstorm started and continued until we were finished - we had arranged this so that Julia couldn't leave the studio early!

So now it's off to Malta with 5 rolls of tape and a lot of hope about a good album.

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