- Bitte in Deutsch -
Ok, fuer alle die perverse equipment freaks im Web City hier konnt
ihr den ultimative abgang schaffen als ihr CBATFOW's gitarren
studieren! Bitte vergiss nicht den Bildschirm anschliessend zu
Sehe alte Gitarren und Boogie's Troedelladen voll Gitarren und
Effektenund sehe den Sustain See old guitars and look at the sustain
(sorry about the Spinal Tap reference!), check out Boogie's multitude
of guitars and effects - enough to start a junk shop! Stare open
mouthed at Bob's collection of pencils, biros, felt tips and markers
for writing lyrics. Wonder at Marc's 25 Vox AC 30's and find out
why he never has a plectrum! Collect tips about to make your hi-hat
ring like Moses does, he actually learnt all he knows off the
back of a cornflakes packet, now days you can go to Amazon.com
and order "Hi hats for dummies"! Gasp at Tom's collection
of porno magazines because he doesn't own a bass rig at the moment.
We also some tricks out of the studios we used: Like how do you
make a Maltese Cross? You turn off the air-conditioning in his
studio. Nah, I'm only kidding!